Psychometric assessments are a standard and scientific method used to measure individuals' mental capabilities and behavioral style. Psychometric tests are designed to measure individual's suitability for a role based on the required personality characteristics and aptitude (or cognitive abilities). They identify the extent to which candidates' personality and cognitive abilities match those required to perform the role.
Many corporates use the information collected from the psychometric test to identify the hidden aspects of candidates that are difficult to extract from a face-to-face interview.Graduate psychometric tests help to identify a candidate's skills, knowledge and personality. They're often used during the preliminary screening stage, or as part of an assessment centre. They're objective, convenient and strong indicators of job performance; making them very popular with large graduate recruiters.
In addition to the recruitments, it is being used for many other uses, mainly to identify the hidden areas of a person.
Psychometric tests can be used to measure a range of skills such as numerical, verbal, abstract, logical reasoning and personality traits. For an overall snap shot of a person's ability and intelligence aptitude tests are mainly used for this purpose.
We are partnered with two psychometric giants who are conducting these assessments for many world renowned corporates. Bases on your requirement, even we make the tailor made assessments to identify certain areas of your employees which you may think has an impact towards your corporate goals.
We do these either online or desk based, in any language that you desire. Once the results are generated, our expert counsellors will have counselling sessions with your employees if required and as the next step of the process make get the employees to do guided action plans to cover the identified performance or attitude gaps.