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Outbound training is a method of training that enhances the performance of the organization through experimental training. Experimental training is a method that revolves around activities designed to improve Leadership, Communication Skills, Teamwork, Strategic Thinking, Problem Solving etc. These activities are based on the management principles and at the completion of these activities the performers will get a hands on experience and understanding on the basics and application of them at the day to day work environment.

Participants are divided into teams and give them certain tasks to perform within a specified time frame. Achievement, performance and behaviors of the team are observed and discussed at the discussion which is called debriefing to identify behaviors that are contributed towards enhance the result and lead towards the failures and compared these to the work environment.

Our tailor made Outbound Training are varies from no risk to high risk activities and we guarantee the safety at all the time. Our demonstrators and the training facilitators are fully qualifies, well experienced and experts on their assigned areas.

We use a focused, planned, safe and structured approach to design all our outbound learning activities. Our Programs includes variety of Outbound, Experiential, Adventure and Team Building games.

The Facilitation and Learning process includes variety of methodologies and techniques which include David Kolb’s Experiential Learning Model (ELM), Learning combination Lock, Johari Window, Lateral Thinking etc.

So far we have trained the staff of corporates that are engaged in various types / disciplines of trade, such as banking, manufacturing, retail, garments, sales and marketing, health sector, finance and government associates.

Outbound Training Delivery Areas

Our areas of expertise in Outbound Training include:

  • Leadership Skills
  • Change Management
  • Giving Feedback
  • Delegation Skills
  • Motivation Skills
  • Creativity & Innovation
  • Problem Solving
  • Working in Teams
  • Team Leadership
  • Communication Skills
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Time Management
  • Confidence Building
  • Decision Making
  • Personal Impact
  • Assertiveness Skills
  • Goal Setting
  • Stress Management
  • Conflict Management
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Listening Skills
  • Persuasion Skills
  • Team Bonding
  • Trust Building
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Collaboration
  • Negotiation Skills